Oakville Public School

A quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4572 3142


About our school

Our Vision

our playground

Oakville Public School - A quality education in a caring environment.

At Oakville Public School, students will be at the centre of a community of learners dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.  

Working within a collaborative culture, students will develop a love of learning. They will acquire the skills and confidence and develop the values and attitudes necessary to realise their full potential as contributing members of society.

Oakville School’s mission is to foster academic and social growth in a harmonious, caring environment.

Code of Behaviour

students playing

"Do your best with OPS" 

O – Own Your Behaviour

P – Pride In Yourself, Your Work And Your School

S – Strive For Success

a student watering the plants

School Values

Student Outcomes

At the end of their education at Oakville Public School we want our children to:

  • be self-directed, lifelong learners, who value education
  • be community minded people, with good social skills
  • have respect for themselves, each other, country, elders and authority
  • have a sense of belonging to the Oakville community and a pride in their school
  • have high self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience, both as learners and as people
  • reach their academic potential
  • be prepared for high school-academically and socially
  • have competent skills in  -  literacy; communication; numeracy; research; and technology
  • be creative and critical problem solvers
  • be able to work independently and co-operatively
  • be appreciative of   - cultures and uniqueness of others; languages, art and music
  • be active and able to make informed health and lifestyle decisions